TRAINING (2.4.1)

La KFPE è il punto d’informazione centrale per la ricerca globale in Svizzera. S’impegna per una collaborazione di ricerca efficiente ed efficace su un piano di parità con paesi in via di sviluppo e in fase di transizione. Così contribuisce allo sviluppo duraturo e alla soluzione di problemi locali e globali.di più

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Quality education for all: developing teachers’ professionalism in dealing with social inequalities


Marginalized social groups and ethnic minorities often remain in a poverty trap, while education could open opportunities for future perspectives, particularly for the younger generations. However, educational institutions often fail in realizing equal opportunities; therefore the marginalized remain disadvantaged and social inequalities are reproduced by the education system. Among the main reasons for this systematic failure is a lack of professionalism among teachers in dealing with the diverse needs of the students. If this lack is not addressed, the marginalized continue to have unequal chances in education as well is in their future careers. However, this perpetuated marginalization affects societies as much as the individual as social inequalities that persist or increase over time easily lead to social tensions.


The outcomes of this research are expected to help breaking the cycle of perpetuated marginalization by identifying suitable interventions and providing strategies and tools to realize an improved teacher professionalism in dealing with social diversity.

Expected benefits

  • In partner countries: Teachers’ professionalism in dealing with social diversity will contribute to more educational equity, to an improved realization of education for all and therefore also to more social cohesion, in all involved countries.
  • In Switzerland: Increasing social cohesion – the very basis for political and economic progress and stability – across low- and middle-income countries, especially those within Europe is of direct benefit to the continent including Switzerland, as it leads to more prosperous and healthy societies and regions.

Contact Information

Carola Mantel, , phone: +41 41 727 12 91

Institute for International Cooperation in Education IZB, University of Teacher Education Zug

Quality education for all
Quality education for all

Partner countries: Serbia and in a next step additional countries in transition

Cost: CHF 400,000

Duration: 4 years