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TRAINING (2.4.1)

La KFPE è il punto d’informazione centrale per la ricerca globale in Svizzera. S’impegna per una collaborazione di ricerca efficiente ed efficace su un piano di parità con paesi in via di sviluppo e in fase di transizione. Così contribuisce allo sviluppo duraturo e alla soluzione di problemi locali e globali.di più

Immagine: NASAdi più

Shaping Science: how to start

Ideas on how to shape research culture from the We Scientists 2035 workshops

The We Scientists 2035 workshops were initiated by SCNAT to call upon researchers to re-imagine a better, healthier research culture.

Shaping Science: how to start
Immagine: Tania Jenkins, SCNAT

This booklet summarises the first results and encourages you to start he conversation in your research environment. Let's begin to shape science together.
What would your ideal research culture be? What will you do tomorrow to shape it? Read this booklet to gain inspiration on how to start this discussion and shape research culture at your institution.
Let's start to change what it means to do science in Switzerland.

Autori: Accademia svizzera di scienze naturali
Casa editrice: Accademia svizzera di scienze naturali


The booklet is designed to inspire your coffee talks. Is the coffee table in your research institut still empty? Please order a free copy (see contact above).
