Mega-infrastructure projects
This factsheet synthesises findings from various Swiss researchers on Mega-Infrastructure Projects (MIP). While on the one hand this factsheet helps to show the long-term impact of MIPs using concrete examples in which Swiss actors are also involved, other examples show under which conditions political participation is possible. In providing these examples, the fact sheet also explores whether and how more participatory methods can be pursued in the future for a socially and environmentally sustainable implementation of MIPs in different contexts. Prof. Dr. Tobias Haller conducted various workshops for the development of the fact sheet. Initial findings were presented at a workshop during the KFPE annual conference in 2022. The factsheet summarizing the insights from this project was published in 2023.
Projects on the topic
Commissione per i partenariati di ricerca con paesi in via di sviluppo (KFPE)
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna