TRAINING (2.4.1)

La KFPE est la plate-forme centrale d’information pour la recherche globaux en Suisse. Elle s’engage en faveur d’une coopération augmentée et équitable avec les pays à revenus faibles et intermédiaires. Elle contribue ainsi au développement durable et à la résolution des défis globaux et locaux.en plus

Image : NASAen plus

OpenCon Switzerland 2018


09:00 - 18:00

Lieu de l'événement

Schweizerischer Nationalfonds
3001 Bern

OpenCon is a platform for the next generation to learn about Open Access, Open Education and Open Data, develop critical skills and catalyze action toward a more open system for sharing the world’s information – from scholarly and scientific research, to educational materials, to digital research data.

OpenCon Switzerland 2018
Image : OpenCon Switzerland

Why OpenCon Switzerland?

It is time for Switzerland to have its own forum and give a chance for open advocates in the country to meet and discuss. Thanks to support from the Swiss National Science Foundation, the OpenCon Switzerland satellite event will happen in Bern and will bring open science practictioners together with individuals advocating for openness in other contexts.

We believe such a forum will catalyse a debate at the national level and provide the opportunity for next-generation open science advocates to meet and connect within Switzerland and with the international community.

Who Should Attend?

OpenCon is for the next-generation of open science advocates. They can be early career researchers – from doctoral students to young PIs, librarians, individuals working in the publishing industry, policy advisors and administrators involved in setting the open science or open government agendas and anyone from the civil society pushing for a more open government.

Workshop "We Scientists 2035"

The We Scientists 2035 workshop is dedicated to Open Science. Come to the conference on Friday 21st where you can experience the workshop first hand. If you are still feeling motivated come back on Saturday and “hack” the workshop at the Unconference on Saturday 22nd: prototype and improve the workshop.

Further information and registration


  • culture scientifique
Langues : Anglais