TRAINING (2.4.1)

La KFPE est la plate-forme centrale d’information pour la recherche globaux en Suisse. Elle s’engage en faveur d’une coopération augmentée et équitable avec les pays à revenus faibles et intermédiaires. Elle contribue ainsi au développement durable et à la résolution des défis globaux et locaux.en plus

Image : NASAen plus

Research Earth

New digital map of swiss research partnerships

Research Earth

The digital map “research-earth” is a new tool that aims to comprehensively document and visualise the diverse Swiss research partnerships with institutions in low- and middle-income countries. The map can be used to explore new research partnerships, identify focal points of cooperation and use synergies between Swiss research institutions.

Swiss research institutions have long maintained numerous research partnerships with institutions in low- and middle-income countries. They are funded by various Swiss organisations, such as the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), or private foundations. Although individual research organisations and funding agencies document their projects in various databases, an overview of all global research partnerships was missing. To close this gap, the KFPE and the r4d-programme jointly developed this new digital map to comprehensively show Switzerland's current research partnerships with institutions in low- and middle-income countries.

The digital globe "research-earth" shows all institutes involved in ongoing or recently completed collaborative research projects between institutions in Switzerland and low- and middle-income countries. You can learn more about their projects, networks and research disciplines. Easy navigation on the globe allows searching for research institutes in different regions of the world and a search and browse feature using keywords is also available.

Currently the map only displays research collaborations funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Research collaborations funded by other organisations will be added soon, together with a tool to record additional research projects. The platform also offers all technical prerequisites to map research partnerships with developing and transition countries of other European countries.

How to use research-earth

As a researcher, you can explore who is conducting research in the same field or region as yourself in order to find new research partners in Switzerland and in low- and middle-income countries. You can benefit from synergies by exchanging with researchers active in the same field or region, strengthen your network to develop new research projects, and display your research on research-earth to a large audience from science, business, civil society and administration.

As a research funder, you can identify clusters of cooperation and gaps in research funding. With this overview of current Swiss research collaborations, you can coordinate with different funding programmes and use synergies. You also have the possibility to display the research collaborations funded through your own programmes.

As a development organization, you benefit from getting an overview of current research activities in your topics of interest and regions of focus. You can choose to contact researchers to learn more about their projects and potential collaborations and can display the research activities you are involved in.

"research-earth" was developed by the Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE) of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) and the Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development (r4d programme) of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), and technically implemented by OVA partners.

Please add your research project!

A form will be available soon.

Please give us your feedback on Research Earth:

  • How do you use the map?
  • Which functions do you miss?
  • How should we further develop Research Earth?