TRAINING (2.4.1)

La KFPE est la plate-forme centrale d’information pour la recherche globaux en Suisse. Elle s’engage en faveur d’une coopération augmentée et équitable avec les pays à revenus faibles et intermédiaires. Elle contribue ainsi au développement durable et à la résolution des défis globaux et locaux.en plus

Image : NASAen plus

9. Share and publish research results

Step 9: Share and publish research results
Image : studio KO

Not only ‘what’, but also ‘how’ research results are communicated has an effect on how these results are perceived. Research results may have more impact on policy and practice, from the national level to the household level, if you communicate them quickly, often and through numerous channels (see Woodward et al 2017 'Health system research in conflict affected states').

When it comes to publication of research results, consider also the very practical aspects of (power) asymmetries. By sharing research results, you can show appreciation to research partners, but you may also risk to put them in danger, depending on where you publish the results. Research results may have negative/positive impacts for some – involve these actors in the communication process.

Questions to discuss

  • Who gets credit for research: the main researcher(s) or also research assistants?
  • In which language do you publish? Are results translated into (a) local language(s)?
  • Do you publish only in scientific journals or in an accessible way to policy?
  • Do you have a budget for such targeted publication?


  • Create a feedback loop with respondents on what/how you publish findings.
  • In some contexts, conducting validation workshops with representatives of the research participants can serve to discuss risks arising in the dissemination process.
  • Carefully choose how detailed you publish results in order to meet academic standards and prevent disclosure of sensitive data. Consult with local researchers. In case of doubt, personal safety and prevention of (re-)escalation of conflict should be prioritized over publication and academic credits.
  • Translate results into format and languages that are appropriate to different target audiences. Targeted publication can help to close the research-practice divide: publish also in blogs or well-known journals in an accessible language, so that research results can be taken up by policy makers or professionals in development, peacebuilding, infrastructure, etc.

“Research always has an extractive aspect. Try to publish open source to ensure a ‘give back’ component. I see my publications as empirical and theoretical contribution to the academic discourse.”

“One of the most important outputs my PhD students produce are maps on forest and land use. However, publishing them with all details would allow tracing back to individuals who have engaged in deforestation. This could lead to punitive actions by nature conservation organisations.”

“What I say in Juba, I cannot say in my home town. I need to adapt the results and conflict sensitivity helps me to do so. This is not censorship.”