Annual Report 2019
Many activities focused on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and were undertaken in collaboration with partner institutions. Below are some highlights.
No sustainability without North-South research
Last year's highlight was the launch of the website on research for SDGs. In total, the KFPE presented 55 project ideas from 22 research institutions on its website. The launch of the website and its dissemination via social media and other channels resulted in a 10-fold increase in the number of visitors to the KFPE website over one month.
Guidelines to conflict-sensitive research
Undertaking research in conflict contexts is crucial. These guidelines are designed for all disciplines and all levels of scholars – from student to professor – conducting research in settings that are affected by conflict. The guidelines were developed in close collaboration with swisspeace and in close interaction consultation with researchers, donors and individuals working in international cooperation.
Research for Sustainable Development Goals
Another highlight was the joint publication in the GAIA special issue on "Research for Sustainable Development Goals", led by Jasmina Saric (SwissTPH) and KFPE President Thomas Breu and with the contributions of 14 authors from the Global South and North.
SUDAC - KFPE international conference
Finally, swissuniversities and KFPE organised an international conference on the SDGs with eminent speakers presenting on the swissuniversities Development and Cooperation Network (SUDAC) programme to a wider audience and engaging in a debate about important aspects of the SDGs.
Commission pour le partenariat scientifique avec les pays en développement (KFPE)
Maison des Académies
Case postale
3001 Berne