Annual Report 2017
Finalising a number of projects in 2016 gave KFPE the opportunity to develop a suite of new activities in 2017. Below are some highlights.
Intensivied collaboration with COHRED for fairer research partnerships
2017 saw us strengthen our collaboration with COHRED, the Council for Health Research. The collaboration mainly centres around COHRED’s Research Fairness Initiative and also helps to advertise the 11 KFPE principles on the international arena.
Specifically, we organised two sessions on partnerships with COHRED, UKCDS and the COHESION-Project of the University of Geneva during the 4th International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD) in Berne
A Conflict Sensitive Approach to Field Research – Doing Any Better?
This publication by swisspeace and the KFPE demonstrates, in eight contributions, how scientists view their research as dependent of national and international power structures. Research in conflict zones can point to ways and means to diffuse tension, if consciously undertaken. To achieve this objective, field research projects need to consider these specifics from the very outset.
The authors request that not only scientists, but also donor agencies and universities, take the specific requirements for carrying out research in conflict areas seriously.
Going digital in research & education partnerships: opportunities, challenges, and risks
The 2017 KFPE annual conference, organised together with the swissuniversities development and cooperation network (SUDAC), focused on the potential and limitations of digital tools and approaches in the research and policy arenas, as well as the relevance of such tools and approaches in education. Find more information and details about the conference.
Commission pour le partenariat scientifique avec les pays en développement (KFPE)
Maison des Académies
Case postale
3001 Berne