Inequality in the digitized labour market
Global employment agencies are a new breed of employers featuring an entry-threshold that is very low. The possibilities of individuals to offer their services online represents a new dimension of the digitized society. The global competition is thereby aggravated and the commitment of the member states of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to ‘Leaving no one behind’ endangered.
Researching the characteristics, legal frameworks and country-specific features of digital employments to identify opportunities for improvement of these new, potentially exploitative forms of work relations.
Expected Benefits
• In partner countries: Better framework conditions including wage, social security, health, skills and career development for workers.
• In Switzerland: very important area in terms of employment, competitive situation, consumption of global products, responsible consumption.
The project offers a data base on digital working relations between Switzerland and countries of the global South. The empirical basis will substantiate the debate on digital work in the Swiss labour market and add to the knowledge on Switzerland as a global economy. Qualifications, skills and perspectives will be analysed and framework conditions for digital services compared between countries.
Contact Information
Sabin Bieri, , phone: +41 31 631 37 51
Centre for Development and Environment in collaboration with Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies, University of Bern