TRAINING (2.4.1)

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Transnational migrations of unaccompanied minors asylum seekers


This project intends to investigate on following issues:

  • The individual and collective strategies that UMAs implement during migration, focusing on the actual role of the minors, the difficulties they face, the resources and capabilities put into place and the reference networks they are involved with.
  • Current migration policies, systems for managing these people at Swiss federal and cantonal levels highlighting procedures and practices, concentrating on education opportunities offered to the minors and the chances to activate integration processes.


This project aims to combine the empirical and political dimensions of theoretical approaches and knowledge of the context where migrants come from: developing countries.

  1. There is a clear lack of information about the strategies minors put into practice when they move
  2. Our project highlights the link between current migration policies, arrangements for taking over UMAs and their ability to mobilise individual and social resources to cope with uncertainties, conditionality of their residence status, precarious daily situations and the achievement of educational and professional capabilities to spend in Switzerland or abroad.

Expected Benefits

The results will provide scientific insights for academics, professionals, authorities, NGOs, and other relevant stakeholders involved in the translational migration of UMAs. Furthermore, better awareness about UMAs present in Switzerland in order to increase the respect of UMAs rights and their integration into the society. Synergies with South partners will be implemented (ex. IOM and UNHCR in Ethiopia).

Contact Information

Anna Jaquinta, , phone: +41 58 666 63 95

Centre for Development and Cooperation, The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland,

Transnational Migration
Transnational Migration

Research Partners: IOM and UNHCR in Ethiopia and other ‘southern’ partners; Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts; University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, Geneva; The Swiss Foundation International Social Service (ISS), Geneva; Terre des Hommes Suisse, Lausanne; Swiss Refugee Councils Bern.

Cost: CHF 10 Mio

Duration: 10 years