TRAINING (2.4.1)

The KFPE is the information hub for global research partnerships in Switzerland. It promotes efficient, effective, and equitable research cooperation with low- and middle-income countries. By doing so, the KFPE contributes to sustainable development and to solving local and global problems.more

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8. Communicate your research – before, during and after

Step 8: Communicate your research – before, during and after
Image: studio KO

Communicating research design or data may have an impact on the research context. The question is how to factor this potential effect into your communication strategy. Conflict sensitive communication considers managing expectations and contributing to a sustainable network (important for future research), data security and anonymization, ownership of research results and open access regulations. These aspects are common issues in research but may become particularly pertinent in conflict contexts. For example, leaking sensitive data could lead to the escalation of a conflict; the perception of ‘extractive’ research (see Campbell 2013 '"extractive" Research') could reinforce ‘colonial’ structures in a conflict-prone area. These issues should be clarified early on, with all research participants.


  • Who should be informed about your research? Who could try to constrain or control your research?
  • When do you communicate your (sensitive) research? In which occasions do you keep it confidential?
  • Is shrinking space for academic freedom and civil society an issue in the research context? If yes, how do researchers and research programs deal with it when it comes to communication?


  • Split the processes of the research itself and of what happens with it afterwards.
  • Discuss and define appropriate channels to communicate about your research endeavour, among the research team, to policy makers and to the broader public.
  • While collecting data, communicate what happens with the data to participants and partners.
  • Define the level of detail on which you communicate about your research (e.g. choice of case studies) to ensure both the transparency needed and the safety required.
  • The communication and outreach strategy can seek to create safe spaces for academic exchange or invest in exchange platforms in neighbouring countries.
  • Communicate not only positive but also negative experiences. Failed research projects can be a lesson learned for others.

“Researchers need to take an increased responsibility for the impact of the disclosure of opinions.”

“We try to convey results as good as it gets, without putting yourself at danger. Trying to target the audience you want to reach. But the constraints are real, requiring us to frame messages differently.”

“The researcher is a social actor; his ‘social-actor’-side does need to be put forward in certain cases; you communicate differently at a presentation to the minister of defence, for instance. These are military professionals; they don’t speak a university language.”