Annual Report 2016
This was a productive year for KFPE; here are some highlights from 2016:
Switzerland and the Commodities Trade
We produced two factsheets on commodity trading, and organised an event in September 2016 (see below) to stimulate dialogue about potential courses of action and solutions, including participation by national and international experts (science, industry, NGOs and Members of Parliament). A short video was produced to give an overview of the factsheets and to promote their dissemination across social media.
Microsite on the 11 Principles and 7 Questions
To raise public awareness about the KFPE Guidelines, particularly among younger people, KFPE created a Microsite with Pixelfarm where the 11 principles are visualized as video clips, and short versions of the 7 key questions are presented. In addition a Youtube-Channel was established to make all video clips and testimonials available, and a Facebook page was created in order to disseminate our activities to a broader audience.
Pathway to Transformation
A highlight of the second half of 2016 was the Research Fair on the 2030 Agenda, which was organised with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). It was an excellent opportunity for exchange between science, policy, and practice on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Find below a short video about the Research fair produced by SDC.
Swissuniversities Development and Cooperation Network – SUDAC
Not to forget: The swissuniversities Development and Cooperation Network (SUDAC) was established in 2016. The programme seeks to provide targeted support for collaboration between the various types of Swiss higher education institutions and their partners in low and middle-income countries in order to achieve an excellent standard of education, research and innovation to overcome global challenges (SDGs). KFPE was instrumental in shaping this programme and will serve in an advisory role.
Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE)
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