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Some steps for decolonising international research-for-development partnerships
EADI Blog by Katarzyna Cieslik, Shreya Sinha, Cees Leeuwis, Tania Eulalia Martínez-Cruz, Nivedita Narain and Bhaskar Vira
Masakhane MT: Decolonise Science
Many words common to science have never been written in African languages. Now, researchers from across Africa are changing that.
Bild: Credit: Eye Ubiquitous/AlamyDecoloniality and anti-oppressive practices for a more ethical ecology
Christopher H. Trisos, Jess Auerbach & Madhusudan Katti
Research colonialism still plagues Africa
African researchers are suffering from power dynamics that favour global North collaborators. While some initiatives are helping build local capacity, others undervalue African collaborators. COVID-19 is aiding the creation of a foundation for future North-South collaborations. SciDevNet Blog by Laura Owings.
Bild: Copyright: Je'nine May