TRAINING (2.4.1)

Die KFPE ist die Dialogplattform für globale Forschungspartnerschaften in der Schweiz. Sie engagiert sich für eine effiziente, wirksame und gleichberechtigte Forschungszusammenarbeit mit Ländern niedrigen und mittleren Einkommens. Sie leistet damit einen Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung und zur Lösung globaler und lokaler Herausforderungen.mehr

Bild: NASAmehr

Annual Conference 2024

Sustainable, equitable partnerships in North-South collaboration - Lessons learned for future funding models

Friday, 31st May 2024 12:30-17:30

PROGR Bern, Switzerland

The aim of the event is to reflect on the state of current funding models for North-South collaboration in research and education, to discuss best practices for achieving equal partnerships and to explore possible designs for future funding instruments. The conference will feature keynote speakers, workshops and a panel discussion at the end.

More information will follow in due course. Registrations will open in April.

We look forward to welcome you in Bern!

Call for Ideas for Online Workshops

As part of the conference, we host a series of online workshops in the month before and after the event. The aim of these workshops is to foster the exchange and discuss ideas how to promot sustainable, equitable partnerships. We invite researchers, project coordinators, students as well as practitioners from development cooperation and business to submit their workshop ideas.

Researchers and practice partners interested in organizing an online workshop are invited to submit your proposal before 8th March. The workshops ideally have a duration between 60 to 120 minutes and promote discussion between the participants. Workshop formats can vary from presentation series to round tables or other innovative forms of online exchange. We will support you in setting up the workshops.

We will select a variety of the most convincing proposals, discuss with you how to combine similar proposals, and set a date for your digital workshop.

Please us if you have any questions.


Kommission für Forschungspartnerschaften mit Entwicklungsländern (KFPE)
Haus der Akademien
3001 Bern

Please submit your workshop ideas before 8 March.