TRAINING (2.4.1)

Die KFPE ist die Dialogplattform für globale Forschungspartnerschaften in der Schweiz. Sie engagiert sich für eine effiziente, wirksame und gleichberechtigte Forschungszusammenarbeit mit Ländern niedrigen und mittleren Einkommens. Sie leistet damit einen Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung und zur Lösung globaler und lokaler Herausforderungen.mehr

Bild: NASAmehr

Annual Report 2018

Many activities focused on celebrating the 20 year anniversary of the first publication of the KFPE Guidelines. Below are some highlights

Paneldiskussion mit D. Reber, H. Binggeli, O. Dayer, R. Quadranti, T. Gass & T. Pletscher
Bild: © Valérie Chételat

No sustainability without research – a panel discussion

A short report and relevant video-statements by the invited panelists (in German & French) Rosmarie Quadranti (National Council); Thomas Pletscher (economiesuisse & Secretary General ICC Switzerland); Thomas Gass (Head of the South Cooperation Department, SDC); Océane Dayer, Co-Chair, (SDSN Switzerland); Herbert Binggeli, (member of International Relations, swissuniversities).

Plenary - KFPE International Conference 2018
Bild: © Valérie Chételat

Leveraging Research Partnerships for Global Challenges

High-level decision makers, scientists, NGO and funding agency representatives gathered to celebrate 20 years of KFPE Guidelines at this international conference. Three separate sessions addressed the following topics: (i) new roles and tasks of science in general and research partnerships in particular; (ii) regional adaptation of scientific systems; and (iii) how science policies and funding systems can support transformative research. Presentations, photos and a short summary of the event.

Research Partnerships in a Changing World

At the end of last year, KFPE finalized a short film on transboundary research partnerships - 12'40". How have transboundary research partnerships evolved over the last decades and what are important milestones looking ahead into the future ?

Out of Laboratories: Research Partnerships in a Changing World
UKRI-KFPE Workshop

UKRI-KFPE Workshop in Tansania:
Working in Effective Partnerships to Address Sustainable Development Goals

The purpose of the Worlkshop was to bring together researchers and stakeholders from the Global South to identify:

  • What constitutes best practice in research partnerships
  • How to engage researchers and governments from the Global South in research programme agenda setting
  • How to translate research outputs into development impact

The report highlights the need to (1) embed equitable partnership principles throughout the funding cycle; (2) Empower researchers to engage in equitable partnerships and (3) Design research programmes with impact in mind.

In addition, it gives advice to funders about how they can engage more on various levels to make North-South research programs more equitable and more effective.

COHRED-KFPE Session 2018

Strong collaboration with COHRED for fairer research partnerships

The Council on Health Research for Development (COHRED), in collaboration with the KFPE hosted different events together to promote the Research Fairness Initiative (RFI) and the KFPE Guidelines. The synergy between the RFI and the KFPE Guidelines are clear: in the process of completing the RFI Report, institutions will become aware of the KFPE Guidelines (and others) – and are encouraged to adhere to one or more of these to guide institutional conduct.


Kommission für Forschungspartnerschaften mit Entwicklungsländern (KFPE)
Haus der Akademien
3001 Bern